I hereby request a username and password for the "Oneness Christians Only" audio section of the PreRapture website.
This list is real names only. We do not display the email address to the group but we do require the real name of the individual participant.
I agree that I will not give this password to anyone else or allow anyone but other Oneness Christians to listen to these audio files.
Please check the appropriate boxes and complete this form
I have obeyed Acts 2:38 and am a Oneness Pentecostal Christian living for Jesus Check Box if true.
I have been water baptized in Jesus Name and have spoken in other tongues like in the Bible Check Box if true.
My name is (Full Name please)
My email address is: You MUST provide a valid email address like name@isp.com in order for us to email you a password. Double check this entry it is the only way we have to contact you! We are getting some really nice comments from Brethren and then can't send the password because they didn't bother to put their email address correctly.
My city and state is
The name of my Church is
Please use this space to convince me that you are an Acts 2:38 Oneness Christian and for any other comments: Please do not try to leave this area blank. Tell us something about yourself please.
If you are a pastor or minister check here.