Original Complaint Against AT&T with NC Attorney General.


Formal Complaint against AT&T

AT&T did falsely advertise free internet service to me and then cancelled my internet access without explanation other than a vague accusation that I had violated their terms of service. No terms of service are mentioned in their solicitation of long distance service with combined free internet access.

Personnel at AT&T did willfully conspire with my theological opponents to violate my civil rights and censor me from public usenet newsgroups.

AT&T failed to take any effort to protect me from almost daily harassment in the form of harassing email to my private mailbox from theological opponents wishing to extort censorship of public areas with harassment. Instead of offering me assistance against a known campaign of harassment, they conspired with my opponents and then cancelled my usenet access by suspending my account.

AT&T has discriminated against me for stating my religious views in public usenet newsgroups and has conspired with those involved in an openly published campaign to deny me service and access to public usenet newsgroups for purposes of religious censorship.

AT&T failed to assist me when valid newsgroup postings were being illegally removed from usenet by my theological opponents by using my AT&T account ID without my permission.

AT&T is guilty of conspiracy to violate my civil rights and guilty of then violating my civil rights.

AT&T is guilty of religious discrimination against me.

Steve Winter (seal) 7/23/96

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